1. Interview Questions on CV
Ok. First, could you please tell me a little about yourself?
Could you give an overview of the what's you've been doing over the past 2 years?
On working / Education Experience
I saw something intersting about your experience on..., can you share with me more?
I can see you have {achievements, eg xxx qualifications/ xxx experience}, can you share more about it?
OK, let's move on to ... It says on your CV you... Can you give an exmaple of it? / Can you elaborate more on it?
What's your experience with / in ...? (eg, deveops, security, kubernetes)
What were some of your responsibilities in you previous role?
In what... are you proficient? (languages or ...)
2. Technical Interview Questions
About Project Experiences
Cloud you desribe your latest projects?
How do you arrange the project structure for ...?
What difficulties did you meet? How did you archive the goals?
About xxx platform or systems
Have you ever used? (xxx)
3. General Interview Questions
a. What do you think will be the
When are you avaliable to start working with us?
4. Handling Scenarios
Blank response: let me break down this question into a few parts.
CDD did not answer the question: Let me clarify this question so that you are clearer.
CDD is rambling: Cut in: Thanks, {CCD name}. If I can ask you to use another 1min to wrap up...
Coping skills
How can you ask CDD to repeat politely?
Excuse me, I didn't hear you (properly). Could you please say that / run through that again?
I'm sorry. I don't quite follow you, would you please repeat your ...?
Would you please say it again?
Sorry, did you say...? / You mean ...?
If I understand you correctly, ... ( your understanding)?
Could you please type it?