Hello, World!
Command line arguments
myos = $(word 1, $@)ifndef $myos myos = "$(shell uname | tr A-Z a-z)"endif
Go Makefile
-include .env
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags)BUILD := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)PROJECTNAME := $(shell basename "$(PWD)")
# Go related variables.GOBASE := $(shell pwd)GOPATH := $(GOBASE)/vendor:$(GOBASE)GOBIN := $(GOBASE)/binGOFILES := $(wildcard *.go)
# Use linker flags to provide version/build settingsLDFLAGS=-ldflags "-X=main.Version=$(VERSION) -X=main.Build=$(BUILD)"
# Redirect error output to a file, so we can show it in development mode.STDERR := /tmp/.$(PROJECTNAME)-stderr.txt
# PID file will keep the process id of the serverPID := /tmp/.$(PROJECTNAME).pid
# Make is verbose in Linux. Make it silent.MAKEFLAGS += --silent
## install: Install missing dependencies. Runs `go get` internally. e.g; make install get=github.com/foo/barinstall: go-get
## start: Start in development mode. Auto-starts when code changes.start: @bash -c "trap 'make stop' EXIT; $(MAKE) clean compile start-server watch run='make clean compile start-server'"
## stop: Stop development mode.stop: stop-server
start-server: stop-server @echo " > $(PROJECTNAME) is available at $(ADDR)" @-$(GOBIN)/$(PROJECTNAME) 2>&1 & echo $$! > $(PID) @cat $(PID) | sed "/^/s/^/ \> PID: /"
stop-server: @-touch $(PID) @-kill `cat $(PID)` 2> /dev/null || true @-rm $(PID)
## watch: Run given command when code changes. e.g; make watch run="echo 'hey'"watch: @GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOBIN) yolo -i . -e vendor -e bin -c "$(run)"
restart-server: stop-server start-server
## compile: Compile the binary.compile: @-touch $(STDERR) @-rm $(STDERR) @-$(MAKE) -s go-compile 2> $(STDERR) @cat $(STDERR) | sed -e '1s/.*/\nError:\n/' | sed 's/make\[.*/ /' | sed "/^/s/^/ /" 1>&2
## exec: Run given command, wrapped with custom GOPATH. e.g; make exec run="go test ./..."exec: @GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOBIN) $(run)
## clean: Clean build files. Runs `go clean` internally.clean: @-rm $(GOBIN)/$(PROJECTNAME) 2> /dev/null @-$(MAKE) go-clean
go-compile: go-get go-build
go-build: @echo " > Building binary..." @GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOBIN) go build $(LDFLAGS) -o $(GOBIN)/$(PROJECTNAME) $(GOFILES)
go-generate: @echo " > Generating dependency files..." @GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOBIN) go generate $(generate)
go-get: @echo " > Checking if there is any missing dependencies..." @GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOBIN) go get $(get)
go-install: @GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOBIN) go install $(GOFILES)
go-clean: @echo " > Cleaning build cache" @GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOBIN) go clean
.PHONY: helpall: helphelp: Makefile @echo @echo " Choose a command run in "$(PROJECTNAME)":" @echo @sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /' @echo