第6课 英语面试介绍优缺点
面试拿offer:介绍优缺点 1.优点怎么说 What are your strengths? 回答1: I wish to put emphasis on three strengths which , in my view, are the most important qualities to achieve success. Firstly, I have good time management skills. Secondly, I do my job whole-heartedly to achieve better results. Many people call me a workaholic. Thirdly, I am a planner. I like to put things in order of priority which makes me more efficient. 我希望着重讲一下三个优点,这些优点是我心目中获得成功最重要的素质。首先,我能够合理安排时间。第二,为了能够更好地完成工作,我会全身心的投入,很多人说我是工作狂。第三,我有合理规划的能力,我喜欢将事情按照轻重缓急规划好,这让我更有效率。 用法:put emphasis on 强调 回答2: In my opinion, my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I could feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd expected. In school, I would set goals for every semester. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction. Though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I managed to catch up with others and was named as the outstanding graduates in my school. 在我看来,我最大的优点是执着,能够尽力将一件事情办好。当我看到工作完成,并且呈现出来的成果与我预期相符合,我就会产生一种真实的成就感。每个学期我会给自己定目标,然后努力完成。例如我曾立志成为出色的毕业生。虽然在大一起步慢了些,但是经过努力,成功的赶上了大家的脚步,成为了我优秀的毕业生。
2.缺点怎么说? 问题1:you didn't write down any disadvantages on your resume? Do you mean that you are perfect? I should apologize for this to all the interviewers here. I am not a perfect person. Yet I will always pursue to be perfect. I sometimes set unrealistic goals. But the truth is that I can't resist doing so because I need to be motivated by aiming high and I will strive to achieve my goals. 我需要为这一点向所有面试官道歉。我不是一个完美的人,但是我会一直追求完美。有时候我的目标显得不切实际,可事实上,我就是喜欢设定高目标,这样我会更有动力,而且我也会努力完成自己的目标。
问题2:What is your weakness/biggest shortcoming? 回答1:My weakness is that sometimes I talk too much and I am eager to express my opinions. I've noticed that I don't listen enough because of this weakness. So I write down a reminder on my notebook, "listen more, speak less." To some extent, I've overcome this weakness now and paid more attention to others' suggestions and opinions. 我的缺点就是有时候话太多,并且急于表达自己的观点。我的确注意到,由于自己说的太多,有时候会忽略听别人的意见。所以,我在笔记本上写了一句话,少说多听! 从某种程度上,我已经克服了这一缺点,更加重视他人的意见和建议。 回答2:I am not a great public speaker. When speaking in public I feel uncomfortable unless the topic is familiar. So I have to be well prepared before giving a presentation. Sometimes I cannot fully express myself which leads to misunderstandings and problems. I do admire those who can talk about anything at anytime. 我的公开演讲能力比较差,在公共场合讲话的时候我会感到紧张不安,不过谈论我比较熟悉的领域我比较放松。所以当我需要做公开发言的时候,我必须准备的很充分。有时候因为表达能力不足,会产生误解和其他问题。我确实羡慕那些无论什么话题都能高谈阔论的人。
建议背诵: To some extent, I've overcome this weakness now and paid more attention to others' suggestions and opinions. 从某种程度上来说,我已经克服了这一缺点,更加重视他人的意见建议。 Since then, I've always attached great importance to details and I didn't make similar mistakes again. 自那之后,我一直十分注重细节而且再也没有犯过类似的错误。